Jessica aims to create an environment where cats and humans can live harmoniously together.
When we work together, we create action plans that focus on:
Creating a feline-friendly environment that allows cats to use their claws, climb, hunt, and hide. Their environment must empower your cats to make decisions and control their environment.
Every behavior your cat shows has a function. Cats are doing that behavior because it works for them. We ask, “What is the function?”
We encourage the behavior we want to see by using positive reinforcement.

Ongoing CoachinG
$75 per hour
Receive partner accountability and ongoing assistance.
We work together to address your cat's behavior situation. As your coach, I encourage you, listen to you, and guide you in the next steps. We are partners!
In-Depth Behavioral questionnaire
Cat Body Language Guide
60-minute Virtual Session
Flexible meeting times via Zoom
Tour of your home
In-session live instructional interactions with your cats
Session Summaries with detailed action items
Email support between sessions
Upload unlimited videos and pictures for feedback and guidance
Cats can be themselves without a stranger in their home.
There is less distraction for us humans.
Sending videos of their interactions allows us to review them together.
Confidence building
Introducing new cats to the house
Out-of-the-box urination
Inter-cat Aggression
Play Aggression
Cat Enrichment
Decorating with Claws
"We are help to help!
- Nakia
get started today!
Fill out this form to schedule a 20-minute Introductory Session with our Feline Behavior Consultant
Jessica is the light at the end of cat trouble tunnel
"Jessica was so helpful to us when we adopted two male siblings. As we encountered behavioral issues, she was completely responsive, asking questions to assess the issues, and giving us solutions to try. She never overwhelmed me, but always gave me hope that we could resolve the issue. She gave advice explaining why we should or should not do specific things. She checked up on us to see how they were doing. Most of all, she never gave up and encouraged us not to give up on our boys. We have our into practice every bit of advice, and we are free of the issues that almost made us think of rejoining them. She is so patient, so knowledgeable and continues to show empathy and concern. I would highly recommend her."
- Elaine Argus
I'm so thankful to cat lovers academy!
"I can't say enough about Cat Lovers' Academy! We adopted our kitty, Wizard, in March of 2020 and soon after also adopted a pup who we were told was cat friendly. Turns out he is, but his inclination to chase Wizard was high. After many months of doing everything I knew to do to try and desensitize my pup and get Wizard to come downstairs, I determined he just didn't have the confidence to socialize...but I knew he wanted to. I finally contacted Cat Lovers' academy and worked with Jessica to better understand Wizard and his fears, his needs and how I can start to build his confidence. Soon after working with her, and 10 long months after adopting our pup, Wizard started making his way downstairs to socialize. I am over the moon with all the help I was given and Wizard is living such a robust and confident life. He's like a whole new, much happier cat. Even better, because he's confident enough to come down, our pup is now desensitized and everyone is living in harmony. I'm so thankful to Cat Lovers' Academy and to Jessica and would highly recommend!!"
- Jackie Atkin

Jessica turned an impossible feat into something doable.
"After my father passed away, we brought his cat to live with us. Jessica was an absolute godsend in helping us navigate our way through introducing this cat to the two we already had. She turned what felt like an impossible feat (maintaining peace and sanity in the house) into something actually do-able, that got results. Her knowledge of feline behavior has helped us often when we came up against behavior we couldn’t understand. She’s great at reading between the lines with behaviors, helping direct us and break down steps into small tasks, finding ways to make things work for our specific situation, and helping reassure us throughout it all. I’m truly thankful for her services."
- Stephanie M.
Stephanie blogged her experience of integrating Renee, check here to read her six-part blog.